"Zed is a next-generation code editor designed for high-performance collaboration with humans and AI."
I find this description from Zed's front-page very appealing and have been trying out the editor on and off for a few months now.
So far, collaboration features have made it a tool of choice for mentoring and pair programming within my team. However, every time I considered a full switch for all my other editor use-cases, I lacked some critical features (see below) from my Neovim+Tmux setup polished over the last 15 years.
This time around, I have a good chunk of spare time between projects for sharpening my proverbial axe and I'm ready to sacrifice some productivity in the short-term to improve my habits. So I decided to give Zed another try and this time learn to do things 'The Zed Way'.
Moreover, I acknowledge that Zed is still under very active development and it will likely be that way for quite some time. So rather than evaluating it at this point in time, I'm interested to understand its long-term potential by learning more about foundations it is built upon, third-party extension tooling and the team and community behind it.
I also just want to play around with Zed's codebase and try to implement the features I need myself, as I have never worked on an editor before :)
To start off, here are some features that I currently miss:
- Faster navigation within a buffer page - I use EasyMotion/flash.nvim heavily to navigate within a single screen
- Navigation between buffers - I use Telescope to switch between buffers and am still trying to get used to the mental model of Zed's tabs
- More interactive search - I regularly search through hundreds of files with Telescope/FZF when I explore a new codebase
- Persistent terminal sessions - I often develop on a remote server and rely on Tmux to have my workspace in the always-ready state
- Keybinding discoverability - I struggle to find the necessary Zed keybindings (something like which-key.nvim could help?)
I plan to document my experience tweaking and hacking on Zed over the next few months in this blog.